Yes, We Have No Bananas: Humility is the word

Wood DuckAlone. Alone. Alone. You are alone. As much as you might love another person, you are not that person. Nobody but you is you. Only you have access to your particular experiences, feelings and surroundings. Throughout all time and space there will only be one you. This is it. You can be proud of yourself as a unique living creature, but don’t feel superior.

No matter who you think you are, you’re not superior – just different. Pride, vanity and conceit kill enjoyment.

Humility is the word.

The Philosophy of Enjoyment maintains that life is subjective. It’s just you and the rest of the world which is not-you. You have to put up with irritations, but you can practice a special kind of self-control to keep anger at bay. You can be kind. You can see the humour in people. To feel the enjoyment of a lasting kind you can feel proud of yourself like a duck is of his plumage, but don’t feel superior. You’re not superior. You’re just another duck.

You are an observation post. Your senses and contemplations colour everything. Enjoyment is not dependent upon circumstances, belief or class. People who find a source of real lasting enjoyment don’t need acquaintances or admiration. They don’t need good times. Life can throw catastrophes, but you can find enjoyment even in the bad times. Dedicate yourself to enjoyment like a duck. Ducks enjoy themselves. Enjoyment is not rational. Rationality can squash enjoyment as much as the craziest superstition. Enjoyment comes through you. You are the conduit of enjoyment.

Imagine that you are walking home from work in the late afternoon in April. You are just another two-legged-human-animal-vegetable walking on the earth. You can appreciate the creatures you see. You can imagine yourself as if from above. You can feel the magic of being alive at this time, in this body, in this place. No worries. No pain. No hurt feelings because of pride, vanity or conceit.


As you enjoy going along, you forget who you are. You’re just an observation post. You look up at the blue light filling the sky. You look at a wood duck perched on a branch. You look up over your head and what do you see? Infinity. Not that that it matters. It’s just interesting. You’re getting small – and that’s a good thing. You’re firmly in this body on this earth as it is and as you are.

At such moments: alone with your thoughts, as you feel a light breeze on your face, hear a duck’s song and a distant piston-engine, smell burning leaves and someone’s supper unsure of which is which, you can step away from the modern age of machines and misery. You’re not a slave. Leave the ant-hill mentality of the city behind. Enjoy yourself in this world. Not striving – just experiencing. Such a delicious flash of time can be filed away for later use when you need it like when you’re back in the office or stuck in traffic. At unpleasant times, you can smile and remember the details of this April late-afternoon walk home. You can relive, secretly smile and say, “Yes, we have no bananas.”

No reason. It’s just enjoyment. There’s nothing to explain.

The First Step


Let’s face it, everyone wants enjoyment. The world turns on it. Maybe you’ve heard of Schopenhauer (1788-1860) and his philosophy, the “Will to Live“, or maybe you’ve seen inspirational quotes about the “Will to Succeed“—”never give up!” and “try, try try, try again! just one more time“— but have you heard of the “Will to Enjoy“? If not, well then, that’s what this philosophy is all about.

A Philosophy of Enjoyment maintains that the purpose of life is to enjoy it and if you’re not enjoying life, there are ways to force yourself to enjoy.

The first thing to remember is that this isn’t serious. People tend to be too serious. People who are serious get annoyed. They take themselves too serious. There are a lot of people who think they do perfectly fine without a philosophy “thank you very much,” but some people really could use some help because philosophy really can improve one’s outlook on life and make life a lot more enjoyable.

A Philosophy of Enjoyment is not for experts. It’s not academic or intellectual and in no way is it confusing. It’s a practical philosophy for ordinary people, living ordinary lives.

The message is: The secret of life is NOT to improve yourself or the world. That’ll happen naturally as you start enjoying.

The secret of life is to enjoy it in a certain way that is gentle and receptive. This certain way is characterized as follows: it is calm, it is funny, it is humble, and it is in tune with nature. It is NOT dependent upon excitement, on crowds, on machines, on rockets, on technology or in possessions.

first step
A doodle.

The first step is ridiculously simple. The first step is: Determination.

It is to be determined to enjoy yourself. It is to say to yourself, “Be it resolved that I will enjoy myself.” It is the determination of a person willing to be happy regardless of external circumstances. It is to not let difficult external circumstances get in the way of enjoyment. It is wrestling life to the ground, pinning it down and saying, “I will enjoy myself!

Take that first step: Decide to enjoy yourself no matter what. Be determined to enjoy. You can experience thrilling moments of ecstatic enjoyment right now no matter what the situation.

For more about what philosophy actually is, see the funny and enjoyable School of Life video, “What Is Philosophy For?”

Before Smokey the Bear got into fire prevention, he used to say, “Only YOU can Prevent Non-Enjoyment.”